Locksmith scams happen every day. People in emergency situations are often preyed on and this is no exception. That is why it is important to be prepared so you can protect yourself from becoming the victim of a locksmith scam.
- Find another company if the one you call answers the phone generically
- Do not trust a locksmith that shows up in an unmarked vehicle
- Be sure to ask for identification and take a photo of their work ID
- Get an all-encompassing estimate in writing before work starts
One of the most common locksmith scams is when there is a phone number to call, but it’s a central line for the entire county, state, country, etc. The person will answer the phone with something generic like “locksmith services” because there is really no company name and they don’t want you to be able to research them. They will then take your information, promise you a low rate, and send someone out from your local area. What you’re not aware of, is that there will be added fees and other surcharges that weren’t included in the lowball quote that you were provided over the phone. If someone answers the phone very generically without specifying a company name, hang up and try someone else!
Another red flag to look out for is a locksmith that shows up in an unmarked vehicle. Legitimate locksmiths either have company vehicles or they will at least have magnets with the company logo to attach to their own vehicle.
It is also important to ask for identification when a locksmith shows up. A legitimate locksmith will have a company-issued ID. You should ask to see it and take a picture for reference should any issues arise down the line.
Last, but certainly not least, you should get an all-encompassing estimate in writing before you start working. This will ensure that you are made aware of any hidden fees or charges before the work begins. If the locksmith refuses to provide a written quote on company letterhead you might be getting set up for a scam.
Protect yourself by programing a reliable locksmith like Curley’s Key Shop into your phone today!
When you find yourself in an emergency situation needing a locksmith, the last thing you want to have happen is to become the victim of a locksmith scam. Unfortunately, there are people out there purposely preying on those needing locksmiths in emergency situations. Thankfully, you can protect yourself from scams like these by preloading the phone number of a legitimate locksmith like Curley’s Key Shop in your phone today. If you need automotive, residential or commercial locksmith services, call Curley’s Kep Shop at 909-622-6716 for help!
To learn more about the reliable and quality automotive, residential, commercial, and industrial locksmith services that we offer, visit us on the web at Curley’s Key Shop.