Home security is high on the list for most typical homeowners, however, some leave a gaping hole in these measures when they fail to consider the locks on their exterior doors. Exterior doors signify safety and security in our society and leaving them less than fully protected could lead to unexpected problems.
After Keys are Lost, Stolen, or Misplaced
Nothing is more disconcerting than losing or misplacing your set of keys. For some, this is something that happens all too often. At times, keys that have been missing can signify a security risk. Thieves today have become increasingly creative in the ways they use to get into homes. Stories in the news tell of employees at local gyms who duplicate keys while guests are working out, and co-workers who have duplicated a set of keys during the work day. Sadly, the fact that the missing keys were duplicated is only discovered after one’s home has been broken into.
After a Messy Divorce
It is typical, during divorce proceedings, for a judge to award one spouse the family home. It is typical, as well, for the other spouse to be angry about what they were not awarded. Locksmiths suggest that changing all of the exterior locks in a home is very important after a divorce. This advice becomes even more important if the marriage was filled with physical or mental abuse. Ex-spouses who were once abusive are more likely to increase in negative behaviors after a divorce. In these situations, it may be a good idea to invest in locks that can help with overall safety as well. With today’s technology, some locks can be opened from one’s cell phone, which means there will be no more lengthy fumbling with keys at the front door.
After a Break In
According to securityworldnews.com, most victims of home burglary say that they never completely regain the feelings of security and safety that they once had. Though it is normal to feel less than secure after your home has been broken into, replacing your locks may help you to regain some of the peace that you once felt. Many homes are built with locks that thieves can pick, jam, or break into with very little effort. By installing newer, more secure locks on your home, you can be sure that you will not be a victim again.
It is always advisable to hire a competent locksmith to install new locks on a home, no matter the reason. They, more than anyone, completely understand the risks that older locks can pose. For more information on the types of secure locks that are available, as well as the advisability of changing out your exterior locks, give Curley’s key shop a call today.